Dreaming, Decoding, Drawing :
A walk through Gallery Espace’s ‘Drawing 2014’ exhibition
Sun. 16 Nov 2014 , 11 am to 1 pm
Meet at Exhibition Hall, Indira Gandhi Centre for Arts (IGNCA), 11 Man Singh Road
New Delhi 110001, 11 am sharp
Rs. 1500 / person
Register: himanshu@redearthindia.com / 41671100
Drawing 2014, Gallery Espace’s 25th anniversary show explores this important but undervalued art practice in a grand exhibition featuring modern and contemporary works from the post-independence era by more than 100 artists.
Our walk through the exhibition, highlights the diverse practice and curatorial approaches to the medium, foregrounding its inclusive and multi-referential nature. Understand the act of drawing – a basic tool in art-making – in all its varied manifestations: as a study as well as a final artwork; as a pedagogic academic tool and an expressive, experimental medium at the same time; its use in artist books, mood boards and its intersection with other contemporary and traditional mediums like painting, sculpture, installation, mixed media and performance; drawing in the Indian art-historical context, drawing as a non-conventional non-commercial practice, and many more musings on this wondrous medium that roots us but also lets our dreams of the unconscious emerge freely – all this through the lens of drawing-works executed by India’s most commanding artists.